RSP : Drill #1

Had drill from from 1900 on 20100409 til about 1400 today. It pretty much sucked the whole time. The only highlights of the weekend were chow time, down time before bed, and going home. Unfortunately, we didn't really have down time on Friday night, so Saturday night was definitely better. As a whole, I definitely saw it as a learning experience and a good workout. I'm pretty excited about the fact that I'm not dead right now.

So on Friday, we had the PT test out in the cold. I didn't pass unfortunately, but I do know what to work on now. After the PT test, we got cots to sleep on. I actually took a shower after set-up and it only took me about 5 minutes. I went to bed after that and have Fire Guard from 0130 - 0200 Saturday morning.

Woke up on Saturday around 530 or so. Got ready for PT, which was really crucial. Eat breakfast, which wasn't too bad. Had my Red Phase class pretty much all day. Got smoked a couple of time with everyone from Red Phase. I definitely don't enjoy getting smoked. Need to work on pretty much everything right now. After Red Phase class, we had dinner. That was the highlight of my weekend. It was pretty fucking amazing food for Army food. We were suppose to watch "The Patriot", but had technical difficulties, so we just had a lot of down time. Went to sleep around 2300 because we had to be up at 0500 on Sunday.

Sunday was pretty crucial. Like I said, we had to get up at 0500 to pack up all our shit, clean up the bathroom, get ready for formation, and put away cots. We had formation and then left for the 4.5 mile march. I regret wearing the boots because they gave me horrific blisters. When we got back, all the girls got smoked for the condition of the bathroom and locker room. Apparently they weren't up to par with the standards of a Colonel. We got to clean the locker room and eat lunch. After lunch, everyone in Red Phase had to take the Red Phase test. That was one of the easiest tests ever. Then we had the watch the Suicide Prevention movie, which wasn't too bad, but definitely not exciting. After that, everyone had to clean the hallways, drill deck, bathrooms, and the locker rooms. We had final formation, where we got smoked again. Finally went home after that. I never wanted to go home so badly.


Just Thinking

So I decided I should write something one here. Not quite sure what to write about yet, but I'm sure something will come to mind, eventually.

Hm. I guess I'll write about how school is going for me. It's quite boring actually. Not really interested in any of my classes. I just want the semester to be over, but then that means I really have to start working out. I wish school was so boring or time-consuming. Maybe then I wouldn't dislike it so much. I definitely enjoy the people I've met and the experiences I've had, but it'd be so much better without all the stress. Eh, I guess that's just how life goes.

Oh yeah. Back to the whole workout thing. I enlisted in the Army National Guard. I've got basic training this summer and AIT next summer, so I'm pretty much missing my next two birthdays. That kind of sucks because I turn 21 next summer, but it's okay. I'll be getting paid to learn and I've got no problem with that. I decided that I would join the National Guard for its benefits. They're paying back my student loans, up to $50,000. I also get state and federal funding to go to school. All I have to do now is commit to passing basic training and AIT, plus doing one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer for the next six years.

I should probably talk about my job, which is currently 21E. 21E is Heavy Construction Equipment Operator, which pretty much means I'll be driving big ass vehicles during my one weekend a month. Everyone said I should do something in Intelligence, but I guess I'll get my chance when I re-sign when this contract ends. I mean, I don't mind my job right now because I'll be sitting in an office for pretty much the rest of life, so a little sun is great for me. Although, when I do change my MOS, Hazael said she'd work with me, so that's definitely a plus for changing my MOS. Too bad I didn't start off with Intelligence because I got bitched out by so many people for not picking a better MOS. I know I got a 96 on the ASVAB, but I wanted to do something a little different from what I'm going to do when I graduate.



Went up to Potomac Mills earlier today. Well, I guess it was technically yesterday. Had fun hanging out with the family and Joanna and Chris. I'm still a little sore from Friday, so walking around the mall for 4 hours was killer. I just wanted to sleep by the end of it. We were suppose to hit up a Mediterranean place for dinner, but didn't really know of any places outside of the mall. Ended up going to some place called Thai Orchid. Pretty amazing place for such a small place. The food was amazing. Enjoyed myself thoroughly.

I can't wait to hit up IKEA after boot camp. I need to buy a lot of shit from there. Hehehe. That place is awesome. =]

Update: Need to start drilling. Kind of nervous, but definitely enjoying the workouts. Swimming at AFF in May. Woo. =] Probably going to do some kind of fruits and vegetable diet til basic.


Sunny for Two Days in a Row

It's funny how whenever you want to be open to things, your life gets busy. I've always viewed myself as someone who's down for whatever, whenever. And now, the busy part is definitely kicking in. So much to learn, yet so little time. And I never knew working out, working, going to school, and studying were going to be so hard to balance. I'm always trying to find time to hang out, but it seems that there aren't enough hours in the day. Maybe I don't need more hours, maybe I just need more days in the week, month, or year. And I find it funny that as time passes, it feels slow, but looking back, I can't imagine where all the time went. I've learned to find happiness in the little things in life. The sunshine, the beach, the mountains, and even school provide with me with a little slice of happiness. I didn't realize how much responsibility I was taking on when I started all of this, but it's definitely going to be an adventure. I'm glad that I've gotten so much support from my family, even if it did take a little persuasion on my part.

Update: Feels like I'm neglecting friends, and that sucks. =/ I'm trying to get on a work out schedule. Ran the mile last night and realized how unfit I am at the moment, worst mile ever for me. Going to do weights tonight, something I can actually push myself to do. Need a lot of ab work before basic. Ass-kicking to the max.